Saturday, January 28, 2012

Day 28 Recession Special! 99 cents Bean Sprouts

Weight: $170.8 lbs (-2.0 bls)

A bag of bean sprouts for 99 cents...what would you do with 99 cents?

How about facial? Aromatherapy with steams from bean sprouts?

Try what you can do with 99 cents bean sprouts for the economic recovery.
Recession rice: Boil bean sprouts. Use the same water used for boiling the sprouts to cook brown rice. Add a bit of soy sauce, sake, and your creative soup and cook. Once the rice is cooked, mix boiled sprouts.
Employ aging work force: Boiled Bok choy and Chinese veggies at their 50's - defrosted from the freezer.

A stimulus package: Kick-ass dipping sauce for the rice and green veggies: Sesame oil, grounded sesame seeds, sliced shallots, green hot pepper, green onion, red pepper, sake. (Try pairing with 99 cents Tofu.)

Reduce redundancy: In the same pan used for the stimulus package, stir-fly bean sprouts. Balsamic vinaigrette and black pepper.

Re-cycle: Veggie soup stock with bean sprouts. Re-cycle onion oil - heat up at the max heat and pour into the soup prior to serving. Enjoy the sizzling sound and its aroma.

What is your cost-cutting strategy in the kitchen? Can you share your idea with the Project?

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